I am beyond excited to announce that my new collection for Modern Yardage is now available for sale!! There are currently two colorways ready for purchase, and eight more to come! Let me tell you, it took a lot of hard work from both myself and the fabulous people at Modern Yardage to bring these collections to you. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes, but so far, it’s been such a pleasure to be involved with this new company. The fabric quality is so soft and weighty, and the colors are absolutely vibrant, which totally fits my design style.
Here are the two colorways available for sale…I will post when the other colorways are ready 🙂 You can see them HERE.
“Coolio” reminds me of baby colors. Bright pastels. Wait, is that an oxymoron? HA! And someone ordered from this collection right away yesterday! YAY.
My mom loved this group, “Canyon” colorway. I adore warm, rich colors like these, and so does she.
One cool thing about Modern Yardage, is that most every design is available in three sizes/scales. Very project-friendly, in my opinion. If you are a quilter, want to sew up a cute kid’s outfit, or need to make some curtains, there is certainly something for you on their site.

3 different sizes/scales of my Millefiori design. This is a photograph of the actual fabric. Colors are “Jardin”, “Crayon”, and “Earthy”.
Now, on a personal note….It’s finally real. Someone gave me a huge opportunity and trusted in me and liked my work. The pieces in my personal “design puzzle” are starting to come together. And I am floored and humbled and honored that I’ve come so far in a year to get to this point. So many baby steps, mistakes made, doing tutorials every night to learn the software, to get here. As many of my friends know, it is so unbelievably hard to put yourself “out there”, get noticed, and to be accepted, and have someone take a chance on you. It’s scary. It’s nerve-wracking. It’s the big unknown. And it’s quite joyful when it all comes together. More than joyful! THANK YOU April and Jay!!! I’m doing a happy dance 🙂
And my follow up for Cirque de Millefiori is called Folky~Dokey…just got the fabric samples, and they are fabulous! Now, to finalize the whole collection….