Gardening is Good for your Soul…

Gardening is Good for your Soul…

I think my favorite thing to do is gardening. Why? Because when I am doing it, I am not worrying about a thing. I find it highly therapeutic and relaxing, even though I've digging and carrying pails of water around the yard. I've just moved to a new house, and I've...

I Like to Explore New Places

I Like to Explore New Places

Up until Easter, I haven't posted here on my blog for a very long time. Why? Because I've moved! And you all know how much fun that is, right? It was a tedious, exhausting, and a long duration of a move due to some issues that were out of my control. But in hindsight,...

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to everyone that celebrates this special holiday! This pattern is available as fabric, wrapping paper, and wall paper. Click on the picture for the link to purchase. thanks so much for stopping by!  

A Little Interview

A Little Interview

I was featured on the Make it in Design blog yesterday! So excited that they asked me to talk a bit about myself and my process. Check out the video I made! To see the full interview, click HERE. Take a look at their courses by clicking...

Mary goes to the Fair

I grew up in a small town. North Andover, Massachusetts. I loved it there, so many great memories! Some of the traditions in the Autumn season were apple picking and hay rides at the local farms, and going to the Topsfield Fair. The Topsfield Fair has been around...

Providence Flea

Providence Flea

Yesterday I went to the first Sunday of Providence Flea. I had not been there since last year, and it's grown a lot! I had a blast walking around, chatting with people, petting dogs, and seeing some wicked cool stuff! First stop. Vintage kitchen! Pyrex! Love the color...

Time to Garden

Time to Garden

I live in a city. And I really like it! Although I do miss having my own yard, our building has set up an area for us to garden. This is my third year participating. It's on top of the roof of the parking garage. This is my little garden plot! It's about a 6 x 6 foot...

The PaperLove Blog Hop-The Art of Quilling

The PaperLove Blog Hop-The Art of Quilling

The PaperLove Blog Hop is a celebration of all things paper! Follow the links at the bottom of this post to discover more bloggers who love paper and use it to inspire and delight. And if you want to explore a whole world of paper, and stretch your paper passion...

My Visual Nirvana-Tie Dye

My Visual Nirvana-Tie Dye

Oh dear, I am supposed to be doing this series every week, and I've been so bad about posting consistently! IS summer, and you're supposed to spend more time outdoors, right? 😀 So...My Visual Nirvana post of the week...TIE DYE! I've always been fascinated...

My Visual Nirvana-Orchids

Here's my weekly post for "My Visual Nirvana". ORCHIDS. I've always loved them!! And I still do. Although I currently grow some orchids, I don't have nearly as many as when I lived in Florida. I had them hanging from the trees, pergola, off of the house, everywhere. I...